Thursday, May 28, 2015

Expectations = No Fun!

We have expectations for everything in life. We expect certain things in relationships, school, work, and life in general. We expect to be married by 25, we expect to get a bachelors degree in four years, we expect to retire by a certain age, and we expect HAPPINESS all the time. I am guilty of ALL of that. However, I've learned that I'm simply robbing myself of my own happiness. When I expect certain things from my relationship that I don't receive, I'm missing all of the other blessings that I've been given in my relationship. I'm ignoring the fact that God gave me my soulmate at 24 years old. When people expect to graduate in four years, they're missing all of the fun moments, and stressing about a tiny piece of control. Often we put unrealistic expectations out there, and that's not fair to others, or us. Breathe. Have a little faith. It's OKAY to not have control over everything - in fact, it's even a little fun. Everything will happen in due time. There will be ups and downs just like a roller coaster, but put your hands in the air and enjoy the ride. LIVE A LITTLE! I mean, REALLY live. 

As always, Marley and I love you dearly. 

We took a long walk yesterday, with zero expectations. It was truly one of the best days ever. 

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