Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Fifth Season ... Wedding Season.

All of my single ladies know what our LEAST favorite season is ... wedding season.  Beautiful venues, beautiful flowers, beautiful dresses... and the WORST is beautiful PHOTOS.  Of course we're happy for the new brides and grooms, but our heart can't help but sink a little every time we run across the infamous black and white photo of the kiss.  It's a bittersweet reminder that it's simply their time, and not ours.  Honestly, it's a little hard to swallow at times, especially when looking at the 1,000 pins on your "I do... just not right now" Pinterest board. 
     So, how do we cope, ladies?  Do we get mad and delete our Pinterest boards all because of a little jealousy?  Do we chug wine out of a margarita glass because we're in such a hurry to drown our sorrows that we can't reach to the back and grab the wine glass?  Do we listen to our "this will be my wedding song one day" song?  Yes and no.  No, don't delete your Pinterest boards because you will regret it... been there, done that.  Yes, drink wine... wine is always good.  Yes, listen to that song if it makes you feel better. 
     This is the plan:  smile and live.  When you congratulate the "happy couple," really mean it.  Trust me, at one point that bride was in the SAME position that you and I are in.  Be happy for her that it's her time, because one day it will be your time, too.  It's okay to feel a little bit of jealousy, but it's not okay to judge your life based upon a timeline that has been set by you OR society. You may find it a little hard to believe, but marriage doesn't make you anymore of a person, or any less of a person.  A shiny diamond on that once bare little finger does NOT define you.  Often people rush into marriage because it's expected, especially in the South, and that's just sad.  There are way too many mediocre things in life, and a marriage should not be one of them.
     For now, whether you're single or waiting on that ring from the long-term boyfriend, know that your time will come... when it's supposed to.  Enjoy life, be happy for others, and drink a little wine along the way.  As always, Marley and I love you dearly. 
Brandon and I at The DiMuro's wedding!
The new married couple that I'm genuinely happy for... promise :)

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