Sunday, May 24, 2015

Perfection ... Uh, no thank you.

I was having an interesting conversation with a co-worker today about perfection.  She consistently feels the need to be perfect in every way possible.  She wants to be a perfect mother, a perfect daughter, a perfect boss, and a perfect woman.  She won't walk outside without wearing a full face of makeup and her hair as high as the heavens, and I see that as a huge issue.  I see her beauty, and it speaks loudly.  It isn't the perfect smoky eye, or her skinny waist that I see.  Instead, I see her bright green eyes that tell the story of her soul.  I see the way she speaks so intelligently, and the way speaking about her son makes her light up.  It saddens me that any woman would feel less than, including myself.  It's human nature to feel like you're in a constant competition with others, but what if we changed that to being a competition with ourselves?  What if we woke up every day and put forth the effort to be better than yesterday?  That doesn't mean seeing 100 pounds on the scale, or having flawless skin.  It means being confident with oneself on the inside, at the root and core of who we are. 

At almost 27 years old I am perfectly okay with being imperfect.  I feel the most beautiful when I'm helping another, or when I get puppy kisses from my sweet Marley.  I feel beautiful through action, not words.  I know my boyfriend thinks I'm beautiful when he hugs me, kisses me, and holds my hand proudly in public.  Please stop expecting perfection, it's unrealistic.  What's realistic is being the best you that you can be TODAY - mentally, physically, and emotionally.  Don't ignore the other two factors just because society makes it a point to.  Who are they anyway? Our scars tell our stories, and our stories are important. I am proud of you, I love you, and you are BEAUTIFUL being the imperfect person that you are. 

I'm guilty, too.  Let's change together.

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